The Core
A Deep Dive into the Soul Science Experience
Unlock childhood wounds & ancestral trauma to

The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth she can accept about herself without running away.
This is for you … if you are done running away.
Do you feel as if you don’t belong, don’t fit in, or feel lonely?
You're the black sheep, the rebel, the peacemaker, or the family rescuer?
Many of us are deeply in denial of what’s going on within. No one really showed us how to deal with our deepest fears and intense feelings safely.
Do you often realize, after the fact, that someone overstepped your boundaries?
Do you feel not seen or your voice not heard?
Do you tend to people please to keep the peace?
Do you have difficulties with decisions?
Does your self-worth and self-love vary?
Do you feel anger that you don’t know how to safely express?
Do you self medicate, or have an addiction?
Do you have childhood or generational trauma?
Sometimes you can’t put your finger on what’s causing you distress or dis-ease.

Did you feel unseen & unloved as a child?
You learned to read the room, be empathic. You feel things more deeply, are sensitive to dissonance, injustice, cruelty. You might be neurodiverse, or a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). The label doesn't matter. You're in the right place.
You likely have a mother or father wound to heal, an early loss, neglect, or abandonment that shook you to your core. Know that you are safe here.
Have found yourself in codependent relationships (with a narcissist)? Have you experienced very draining work situations (burn-out risk). Is your health impacted?
Do you need a safe space? This is a safe space. Step by step I guide you to connect with your safe space within.
Imagine loving yourself. ALL of YOURSELF. And being loved for who you are.
I help you to reconnect to yourself, your divine essence, your intuition, your body and your own power.
Imagine going to bed and putting all daily challenges to rest and having a peaceful sleep.
Imagine waking up feeling confident that you can tackle what’s ahead of you.
Imagine, despite feeling overwhelmed, you trust yourself and life. Believing life is happening for you.
Imagine having your own back always.
Imagine feeling aligned, present & healthy in your body

The Transmutation*
Coming home to yourself helps you ...
Heal your relationship with your body, emotions, mind and soul so that you learn to nourish, and re-mother all parts of yourself.
Coming home to yourself helps you ...
Heal your relationships, with yourself, your partner, kids, family, colleagues by breaking cycles of dysfunctional, toxic relationship patterns.
Learn tools to regulate your stress, anxiety, depression or grief. Learn to self soothe & have your own back. -
Embrace your sovereignty and freewill for decision making. -
Connect to your values, gifts and purpose in life, and create the life that your future self will be proud of.
Change negative thought patterns that are holding you back from the life, love or career you desire.
Navigate difficult seasons in life by using the challenge as an opportunity for your inner growth and resilience.
Transform perfectionism & negative self talk into deep self-love & compassion.
Create healthy boundaries in your life. “No” is a full sentence.
*Transmuting means not going back to the previous (mental-emotional) state, like a butterfly can’t go back to being a caterpillar.
Benefits & Improvements
Sleep & Health Issues (Migraine, PCOS, IBS, Acid Reflux, Autoimmune)
Focus, Mood, Energy
Creativity & Flow Experience
Relationships & Family Connections
Spiritual Grounding, Awareness & Presence
Pain Reduction (physical, emotional, spiritual)
*Transmuting means not going back to the previous (mental-emotional) state, like a butterfly can’t go back to being a caterpillar.
Make Peace with your Past
New Decision Therapy
In my quest to transform old, destructive behaviors and thought patterns, I was looking for a modality that could truly uproot them. I explored & learned various techniques. Meeting Dr. Kandis Blakely in the late 1990’s and her groundbreaking New Decision Therapy (NDT) allowed me to finally experience a newfound sense of freedom from my deep emotional wounds. After going through this process, I became her student and close confidant.
NDT, a holistic approach, harnesses the wisdom of your emotions in your body to release layer by layer of energetic blockages that keep you trapped. At its center it has a five-step forgiveness process that takes place in front of a mirror. Self-Forgiveness is at its core.
With every emotional block & trauma released, you come closer to home, your freedom and essence.

Inner Family Communication (IFC)
I facilitate your inner communication with the conflicting parts within yourself. This helps you reconnect your disassociated parts.
In compassionately reconnecting to, and Re-Mothering our unwanted parts, we can experience the creative flow that is such a joyful presence and deep experience of Aliveness. These aspects of ourselves that were not welcomed in our family and furthermore kicked aside by ourselves are welcomed back into your Inner Family. These are the parts that are playful, curious and unapologetically intense.
Now, All of you is welcome!
PS: Inner Kids Whisperer here

Coaching & Lifestyle Medicine
Coaching & Lifestyle Medicine tools are tailored to your specific needs and are supporting you to ground, move energy in your body, find your voice, be present, and express creativity.
Main Tools:
Yoga Therapy
Ayurveda (Nutrition, Herbs, Home Remedies, Detox)
Mindfulness Practices (Meditation, Breath Work, Mantras)
Creative Expression (Visual Arts, Poetry, Dance)
Heart Brain Coherence
This helps to integrate the NDT and IFC work so you can step into your full potential and lead yourself with clarity.

Your Core Options
Option 1: Spacious Dive
Sessions are spaced out bi-weekly. This gives you time to integrate & practice this powerful yet gently paced experience to release chilhood wounds & trauma. You have access to me via email and Voxer, so you can feel me having your back.
A) bi-weekly 1:1 sessions (90min) over the course of 12 weeks
~ payment plans available
Paid in full bonus: The Forgiveness is Freedom self study course
Bi-weekly 1:1 sessions (90min) over the course of 24 weeks
~ payment plans available
Paid in full bonus: The Forgiveness is Freedom self study course

OPTION 2: Deep Dive
Sessions are scheduled weekly. This is your accelarated deep dive to stop the bleeding. It powerfully releases childhood wounds and trauma permanently (incl. VIP day). You have access to me via email and Voxer. You will feel me walk side by side with you.
Weekly 1:1 sessions (90min) over the course of 12 weeks
***plus one VIP retreat day (3h online)
Payment plans available
Paid in full bonus: The Forgiveness is Freedom self study course
Weekly 1:1 sessions (90min) over the course of 24 weeks
***plus two VIP retreat day (3h online)
Payment plans available
Paid in full bonus: The Forgiveness is Freedom self study course

Now, there is a sense of peace and calm. I am not overwhelmed yet trusting. The peace of mind and peace of heart gives me space to handle anything.
Thank you Christina for your gentle and loving work, though we are miles apart in different country’s I could feel the connection and support throughout this whole experience.
~ Katherine K., New Zealand